MK Brown Official Website: Books. MK Brown Official Website: Cartoons, Posters, Books, Illustrations, Bio, Contact. Stranger than Life (1970-2013). “one of the funniest cartoonists of the last four decades — or ever, take your pick” – http://fantagraphics.com “MK Brown has a reputation for creating smart, quirky, warped, funny comics with a rather zany and oddball sense of humor. “They are the kind that make you think and laugh at the same time. They are chock full of astute and very skewed observations on life – think hilarious and insightful combined. “This compendium provides a thorough sampling of her work, ranging from the 1970s to 2013. You can see how she grows into her work over the years – the cartoons just get sharper and funnier. She really hones her sense of humor and provides quite the interesting social commentary on a variety of topics.
“Getting to read through her work was so much fun. I really enjoyed getting to know her work through this amazing book. “Fans of her comics and cartoons will devour Stranger Than Life with glee. And anyone looking for something new and great to read will just love this book! It truly is a must-read! I absolutely loved it!” — Nadia A., A Bookish Way of Life